Friday, May 11, 2012 Exclusive:Eve Fires The Bella Twins

WWE:Eve Fires Brie & Nikki The Bella Twins
Brie & Nikki were talking backstage about their loose enough to the new divas champion Layla
& discussing their TWIN problem when suddenly Eve Came out and talks to the Bellas about the bella requested to talk to Mr.Laurinaitis about their Divas Championship rematch ..

When Eve Suddenly telled that Mr.Laurinaitis is buisy to whatever his making then Brie & Nikki who started he insulting about Eve's new job
When Eve Calls Nikki & Brie they suddenly discussed something i dont know then she says 'You Both Fired' the one thing The Bellas was shocked and eve says 'Best Of Luck on your Future Endavors' one thing Mr.Laurinaitis always saids when they're releasing Superstars & Divas

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